Jones' Diary
Using the same techniques from my Grail Diary replica, this journal
contains Indiana Jones' life story from 1908-1951 and has tons of drawing
and inserts. Bound in leather with a professionally embossed cover,
this replica is the ultimate Indiana Jones piece!
Jones' Passport, circa 1934
This accurate reproduction of a 1930s era US passport follows Indy's
travels from 1934 through 1938 including authentically replicated visa
Indiana Jones' Passport
Tracing Indy's adventures from his spring break in Mexico through his
enlistment into the Belgian Army, this 1916 passport replica was based
directly on actual pre-War passports.
Map to the Peacock's Eye
Found by Indy & Remy just before the end of the war, this map
points the way to Alexander the Great's huge diamond, the Eye of the
Peacock. It would take Indy sixteen years to find the diamond again...
only to lose it in Lao Che's Club Obi-Wan.
Reproduction Photographs
These photographs show the various friends, family and influences
in Indy's life.
Diary Inserts
Thirty-nine different inserts are in my Indiana Jones Diary,
including seven replica photographs and many pieces replicated from
actual film props or historic documents.

Idol of Fertility
One of the most recognizable artifacts from the Indiana Jones trilogy,
the Golden Idol is reproduced as a highly detailed casting finished
in three forms: genuine 24kt gold, real gold leaf, and a spray-painted
stunt version.
of the Covenant
This is a 1:4 scale model of the Ark of the Covenant, cast in resin
and plated in real 24kt gold. Polished brass rings hold the wooden poles
in place, which are covered in a custom-printed cloth.
to the Staff of Ra
Cast in solid bronze, decorated with genuine Austrian crystals and mounted
on a custom brass fitting, this reproduction of the Ra Headpiece looks
like it belongs in a museum!
Nazi Headpiece to the Staff of Ra
After Toht burned his hand on the original headpiece, the Nazis were able to cast a rough copy of the artifact to locate the Ark.
Cast in zinc alloy and fitted with the same Austrian crystals as above, this unique prop replica can be mounted to a staff using custom machined steel fittings.
Pocket Knife
One of the contents of Indy's satchel, this top quality pocket knife
is made in Solingen, Germany of stainless steel, nickel-silver and genuine
stag horn.
Raider's Map to the Chachapoyan Temple
This map is seen briefly in the beginning of Raiders. It leads Indy
directly to the Chachapoyan temple that houses the Golden Idol of Fertility.
Artifacts from Tec'na'al
When Indy returns to Marshall College, he hands Marcus these two fragments,
worth at least the price of a ticket to Marrakesh.
Raider's Sandbag
This sandbag was Indy's only hope of getting the Fertility Idol out
of the Chachapoyan temple without setting off any booby traps.
Belloq's Passport
When Belloq joined the Nazis to further his archaeological agenda, they
gave him this German passport. This replica is carefully reproduced
from genuine WWII Nazi passports using vintage-style fonts and several
custom-made stamps.
Bible Page
When government agents ask what the Ark of the Covenant looks like,
Indy shows them this page from an old Dutch Bible.
One of the items found in Indy's satchel in Raiders is this field journal.
I have made this replica as a blank journal, which I use as a field
Review Article
This article, from a fictional archaeology journal, describes Indy's
exploits during Raiders of the Lost Ark, his successes and his failures.
Raiders Torch
Without these torches, Indy and Sallah would have been in the dark in
the Wells of the Souls. Made out of wood and twine, these torches are
fully functional replicas.
Toht's Coat Hanger
No Nazi agent would be caught dead without this collapsable travel hanger.
This hand-made replica is a fully functional hanger, made of metal and
hard rubber.
China Clipper Ticket
This ticket is an exact reproduction of a 1930's Pan Am
ticket for the famous "flying boat" that Indy flew in from
San Francisco.
Toht's LIFE Magazine
Toht passes his time on the long Clipper flight by reading this edition
of LIFE Magazine. Replicated here as a one-sheet cover and a full blank
U.S. Intel's German Communique Report
When the U.S. Department of Intellegence intercepted a German Communique
that mentioned Abner Ravenwood and the Staff of Ra, this memo was sent
to two officials, who eventually sought the help of one Prof. Indiana
Belloq's Floorplan to the Map Room
After getting Toht's copy of the headpiece, Belloq incorrectly located
the Well of the Souls with the help of his drawings of the Tanis map

Che's Diamond
A large fight broke out in Club Obi-Wan over a bag of coins, a jade
urn, a bottle of antidote and this large diamond, possibly Alexander
the Great's "Eye of the Peacock".
Lao Che's Gold Coins
Cast from one of the original prop coins, these replicas are held in a grey leather pouch made to the specifications of the screen-used bag.
Stones (Sivalinga)
Jones' object of quest for the second film were these three Sankara
Stones, the Sivalinga of Hindu religion. These prop replicas are cast
in plaster, painted and carefully finished to match the original props.
Sanksrit Manuscripts
This is a set of three manuscripts showing the Hindu priest's ascent
to meet Shiva and obtain the five Sivalinga stones. The centre piece
was featured in the Temple of Doom, while the other two were designed
by me.
Indiana Jones Voodoo Doll
The best way the Thugee could think of hurting the hero of the story
was by using black magic and this voodoo doll. The body is hand-sewn
and stuffed, the head and hat are carved wood, and the jacket is real
leather. The entire piece is aged and even has a plaited, cloth whip.
Review Article
This article, from a fictional archaeology journal, describes Indy's
exploits during Temple of Doom and an exhibition of Hindu artifacts.

Jones Sr.'s Grail Diary
This version of one of the most unique props in film history has been
reproduced as a fictional account of Henry Jones' search for the Holy
Grail. Although it incorprates all the pages from the original prop,
it reads as a complete story, from Henry's inspiration to begin his
quest to the fulfillment of his life-long goal.
Grail Diary Prop Replica
This version of the Grail Diary is an exact reproduction
of the hero prop, including repeating pages, taped-in pages, all the
inserts and even a cue card page for Harrison Ford.
The Cross of Coronado
This reproduction is cast in a pewter alloy, brass plated, decorated
with custom-cut inlays, genuine freshwater pearls and blue lace agate
cabocons, carefully hand-painted and antiqued using several different
methods. It belongs in a museum!
Ceramic Holy Grail
The object of Henry's life-long quest was the cup of Christ, the Holy
Grail. Just like the original prop, this replica is hand-thrown on a
potter's wheel, painted and covered in gold leaf, and aged to look like
a two-thousand year old chalice.
Unearthed in Ankara, Turkey, this 12th Century tablet gives cryptic
clues to the final resting place of the Holy Grail. I've also recreated
the missing top portion, which pinpoints the city of Alexandretta.
Medieval Grail Knight Painting
Hung on Henry's wall is this medieval painting showing the third trial
on the path to the Holy Grail, the leap from the lion's head. This replica
is completely hand painted with gold leaf highlights and mounted on
an aged board, scarred in all the right places.
Crucifixion Painting
Another work of art that adorns Herny's cluttered house, this medieval
painting is accurately replicated by using a print as the centre piece,
mounted on a central board, detailed in red and gold, and bordered with
a hand-cut, stained and aged frame.
Indy's Desk Magnifying Glass
Sitting amongst Indy's scattered papers, books and artifacts upon his
desk is this old fashioned brass magnifying glass. This reproduction
is both screen accurate and very practical with a quality 4" lens.
Henry Jones Sr.'s Passport
Issued in 1934, this passport replica contains Henry's travels from
the States to Venice and Germany in search of the Holy Grail.
Henry Jones' Travel Document
Based on the original seen in the film, this German travel document
allowed Henry to carry on research in Germany without seeking employement.
Wanted Flyer
Based on the travel document above, this flyer details Henry Jones'
Sr.'s terrible crimes against Nazi Germany.
Jones' I.D. Card
This is a vintage-looking i.d. card of "Atilla the Professor",
the one the kids hope they don't get!
Indy Wanted Flyer
Modeled after the original Henry flyer prop, this wanted sheet has a
photo of Indy with all his crimes against Nazi Germany detailed in German.
I.D. Card and Driver's License
This identification card, issued by Barnett College where Indy teaches,
contains all the accurate information given in The Last Crusade. Indy's 1938 driver's license is based on actual vintage documents of the period.
Zeppelin Ticket
For Indy and Henry the quickest way out of Germany was by Zeppelin.
This replica ticket, based on actual zeppelin tickets, is a full sheet,
folded in half, just like the original props. It is entirely filled
out and makes a great diary insert.
Telegram to Donovan
A Nazi soldier hands Donovan this telegram from Hitler informing him
to "eliminate the American conspirators".
Archaeological Review Article
This article, from a fictional archaeology journal, describes the exploits
of father and son during The Last Crusade as well as several Christian
artifacts, including the Cross of Coronado and the Chalice
of Antioch.
Grail Diary Inserts
This page shows all the various inserts I made for my diary.
Tablet Rubbing
This rubbing is made with wax on thin paper. It can be easily folded
(just like the original prop) and tucked away in the Grail

Warriors of Qin Shihuang
When the first emperor of China was buried in his large mausoleum, surrounding
him were vast trenches filled with terra-cotta soldiers, horses and
war carts. Here are four examples of the famous archaeological discovery.

This ancient medallion contains the lifeforce of one of the elders of
Atlantis, Nur-Ab-Sal. It is here replicated in resin, painted in several
layers of enamel and acrylic paint, giving it the appearance of a tarnished
copper relic.
National Archaeology Magazine
Featuring an article on one of Indy's digs in Iceland, this vintage-style periodical is realistically aged using several techniques.
Atlantean Horned Idol
Inspired by the horned idols seen in the computer game and comic book
series, Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis, I plan to make this
replica in several finishes including aged wood and tarnished copper.
A unique addition to my Indiana Jones prop replica collection.

The Spear of Destiny
Also called the Holy Lance (Die Heilige Lanze), this all metal spear is an accurate reproduction of the weapon used by the Roman centurion Longinus to pierce the heart of Christ at the Crucifixion.
Great Chalice of Antioch
This is the only replica of this great Christian artefact available
to the public. Believed by many to be the authentic Holy Grail, this
museum-quality reproduction comes in several precious metals including
pewter, 24K gold plated bronze, to pure silver.
Shroud of Turin
The cloth in which Our Lord was buried is reproduced here as a cropped
portrait on canvas or linen. Based closely on images of the original
shroud, this hand-painted replica is pefect for framing.
Scourging Whip
This three-thonged whip, called a flagrum in Latin, was used to scourge
Christ before He began the long walk to Calvary to be crucified.
The Crown of Thorns
Mocking Christ, a Roman soldier platted a crown of thorns and placed
it on his head. This full sized reproduction is based on the evidence
seen on the Shroud of Turin that the crown was more of a cap than a
wreath. Also available is the traditional wreath design as seen in Mel
Gibson's The Passion of the Christ.
Crucifixion Nails
After being led up to Mt. Calvary, Christ was laid upon a large wooden cross and nails were hammered into His hands and feet. Replicated here as full-sized reproductions, these nails are treated with a special patina to give them the appearance of ancient iron relics.
30 Pieces of Silver
The price paid for the betrayal of Judas were these thirty silver shekels. Cast in metal, plated and antiqued these reproductions look and feel like genuine ancient coins.
Dead Sea Scrolls
This scrap represents a small sample of the many scrolls found in the
Dead Sea region of the Holy Land.
Title: "INRI"
Pontius Pilate put up this sign above the Cross stating the crime for
which Christ was crucified: Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews.

This is a detailed copy of the map from The Hobbit, hand-drawn on canvas,
completely transliterating into Tolkien's Runes. When held up to the
light, the mystic moon runes appear, hand painted on the canvas.
Smaug Horde Coins
Cast from three original prop coins used in The Desolation of Smaug, these highly detailed coin replicas are cast in a weighty zinc alloy, then gold plated for a brilliant shine.

The Red Book of Westmarch
This legendary volume contains the entire story of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, in the words and hands of Bilbo and Frodo Baggins. Bound in red leather with silver foiled accents, this reproduction contains dozens of high quality drawings, several maps and is entirely aged to give the appearance of an ancient journal.
Red Book Journal
This blank journal is based on Bilbo's Red Book in which he wrote The
Hobbit and then passed on to Frodo to complete The Lord of the Rings.
It has a genuine red leather cover embossed with elvish designs, silver
foiled with a star and Bilbo's initials, and contains three hundred
blank pages.
Map (from Fellowship of the Rings)
This map is an exact replica of the prop seen in Bilbo's study in the
Fellowship of the Rings. It is printed on specially aged parchment and
mounted on an aged Rimu frame.
Bilbo's Maps
These maps, drawn by Bilbo as a record of his various travels and favourite walks, are inked in brown and red and carefully aged using several techniques.
Isildur's Scroll (from Fellowship
of the Rings)
This scroll, written in Isildur's own hand, is a description of the
Ring he took from the finger of Sauron. On the bottom of the sheet is
a copy of the inscription upon the Ring.
Map of Middle Earth
Another highly detailed map from Tolkien's Middle Earth, this replica was drawn and illustrated by hand using traditional dip-pens, realistically aged and looks great framed.
Ring Inscription Shield
This antique-looking shield is entirely hand-carved and aged to perfection.
Around the lower ring is Tolkien's ring inscription, ending at the top
of the crest where is carved a representation of the ring itself. In
the centre of the lower ring is a carved eye, with a hand-cut faux-crystal
in the centre.

Man's Morley Cigarettes
The only brand that the Cigarette-Smoking Man touches is Morley. Replicated
from images of the original props, this cigarette box is one of the
most unique pieces of X-Files memorabilia.
Mulder's SPITZ Sunflower Seeds
Another fictional brand created for the show, SPITZ sunflower seeds
are Mulder's favourites. Carefully replicated from an original prop,
this is certainly a "for-serious-fans-only" reproduction.

Curse Coin
After a group of Caribbean-based pirates plunder a cursed horde of Aztec
coins, they are forced to wander the seas in search of every last one
to remove the curse.
Jack Sparrow's Bandana and Ring
One of Captain Jack's trademarks is this unique red bandana. Direct from the manufacturer of the original costume piece, this bandana is 100% accurate in every way. Available in two color combinations, both used in the films. Also shown here is one of Jack's unique rings.
Davy Jones' Key Sketch & Royal Pardon Document
This old, stained cloth shows a drawing of the key that opens Davy Jones' "Dead Man's Chest". Also replicated here in great detail is the Royal pardon offered by Lord Becket.
One-Eyed Willy's Treasure Map
One of the most classic treasure maps in film history, The Goonies Map is instantly recognizable by movie fans. Reproduced here in great detail, using several aging methods, this version has all the details of the hero prop, often neglected by other replicators.
Spanish Doubloon
Cast in metal and carefully antiqued, this coin is an exact reproduction of the prop which leads The Goonies to the discovery of the secret passage and eventually to One-Eyed Willy's treasure. Also shown here are some of One-Eyed Willy's treasure coins, cast from an original prop.
"Copper Bones" and Chester Copperpot's Wallet
This "key" to One-Eyed Willy's treasure was found by Chester Copperpot, but the quest was completed by a group of intrepid youngsters knows as The Goonies. Along with the "Copper Bones", Mikey found Copperpot's wallet, replicated here with a few vintage items.
Marty McFly's Warning to Doc Brown
Before Marty returns Back to the Future, he writes Doc a letter, warning him of events in the future. Replicated here are both the 1955 "clean" version and the 1985 "aged" version.
Time Bandits Map
From the cult classic film Time Bandits, this large canvas map shows the locations of various portals through which one can travel through time and space.
The Declaration of Independence
The most famous document in American History is replicated here in full size, carefully aged by hand. This National Treasure even has a few surprises hidden on the back of its old parchment.
Masonic Medallion
Various imagery on this ancient medallion represent the intertwined history of the Freemasons, Knights Templar and Founding Fathers of the United States.
Leather Carrying Tube for the Declaration of Independence
This high-quality leather document tube is the perfect companion for a Declaration of Independence replica, but is also a fully functional and practical carrying tube.

Casablanca Replicas
I've created a replica of Richard Blaine's passport as well as several
prop replicas from the film, including Ilsa's water-stained good-bye
Elwood Blues' Drivers License
Based on an original prop, this 1972 era Illinois drivers license shows one of the Blues Brothers, Elwood Blues.
Passport Replicas
These hand-made passports are the perfect companion to any film or historic
memorabilia. Passports can be made from several eras and countries,
with a choice of visa stamps from over thirty locations. Great for re-enactors
or to compliment any historic costume.
Era British Passport
Both James Bond and John Lennon would have carried a passport like this
one during their travels. Carefully recreated from vintage passports,
this reproduction is complete with 32 pages, custom-printed paper and
authenticating stamps.
Jason Bourne's Passports & IDs
Robert Ludlum's Bourne Identity follows the quest of Jason Bourne to restore his lost memory after a traumatic injury. Copied from several modern passports, these replicas show Matt Damon as Bourne following his travels across Asia and Europe before he is washed up in the Mediterranean.
MacGyver's Passport
Based on the US passport from the 1980s, this prop replica follows MacGyver's travels from the beginning of the first season (1985) all the way to the last movie made in 1994.
International Passport
This passport is based loosely on the modern U.S. Passport, but modified
into a generic international passport suitable for customizing. This
prop is perfect for film, television or stage use when permission to
use genuine passports or likenesses is not easily or quickly available.
Micronational Passport
Give your micronation a sense of true sovereignty with an official looking passport. Completely customizable and enclosed in a genuine gold or silver foil cardstock cover.
Mexican Passport
This passport is based on the now-defunt modern Mexican passport. Made for a film documentary, this passport has a linen-textured cover with gold foil accents, micro-printed background paper and custom-made stamps and visas.
Holmes' Passport
In the 1940s, Basil Rathbone starred in several Sherlock
Holmes movies, leaving an indelible mark on the minds of movie-goers.
This passport is based on these modernized versions of Doyle's famous
detective. Based on vintage British passports of World War II, this
replica is full of visas from around the world.
Holmes: The Hound of the Baskervilles Document
In Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's novel, Sherlock Holmes is given this eighteenth
century document to read telling the legend of the Hound of the Baskervilles
that terrorises the English countryside and which leads him on one of
this most famous cases.
Charlie Chan's Passport
Known for his whit and use of Chinese proverbs, Detective Charlie Chan spent much of his time away from his official job in Honolulu. This passport replica features Warner Oland as the famous detective and chronicles his adventures around the world.
Mr. Moto's Passport
This authentic Japanese passport replica chronicles the international exploits of agent Mr. Moto as he travels the global solving mysteries.
Roy Hobbs: The Natural
One of the best baseball movies of all times, The Natural tells the
story of Roy Hobbs, a mysterious athlete with amazing skills. I have
reproduced a few props from this film including a Hobbs baseball card
and the New York Knights lucky charm, a WWI lightning bolt patch.
The Fugitive: Richard Kimble Wanted Poster
This wanted flyer was scanned and remastered from an original prop from the film The Fugitive starring Harrison Ford. Several of these wanted posters can be seen in the film.
Cast Away: WILSON
A major character in the film Cast Away, this volleyball was transformed
by Tom Hank's character from an ordinary piece of sports equipment to
a lovable friend and confidant.
Binding and Rebinding
For those of you who are making your own diaries or want one modified,
I can entirely recover your journal in a variety of leathers, to more
closely match the original prop.
Tombstone Epitaph
This memorable newspaper tells the first-hand history of the famous
shoot out at the O.K. Corral in 1881. Also shown here is a replica letter
from Virgil Earp, requesting a downsizing to his police force just before
the shoot out.
For any of the above items:
Add authenticity to any of your prop replicas with this genuine looking
museum tag, featuring fictional information about your piece.
Display Stands
The perfect addition to any prop replica is a custom made display stand.