This millenia-old artifact is one the surviving pieces from the great civilization of Atlantis. Worn around the neck of Sophia Hapgood, archaeologist and mystic, this medallion held the spirit of the Atlantean Nur-Ab-Sal. Hapgood enlisted the help of her friend Indiana Jones to find the lost continent. This adventure was the central plot of both a popular graphic novel as well as an excellent computer game.
This replica was cast in a zinc alloy, modeled exactly after the prop seen on the back of the computer game box. The medallion was then copper plated, electro--antiqued, lightly buffed to expose the shinier metal below and finally aged with a green patina, giving it the appearance of tarnished copper, or perhaps orichalcum, the mysterious Atlantean metal described by Plato.
The chain was entirely linked by hand, painted and aged to match the medallion, which measures about 3 1/2" across. This medallion has both the look and feel of an ancient artifact.