Although Toht and his men lost the fight with Indy in Nepal, Toht took away something almost as valuable, his burned hand, scarred with an image of the Headpiece to the Staff of Ra. Upon his arrival in Egypt, Toht's hand would have been used as a mold to reproduce the headpiece for Belloq and the Nazis.
 This cast-alloy replica was created much in the same way as the Nazi might have produced their own reproduction. A rough wax cast was made of one side of the headpiece, then touched up by hand (Belloq probably would have done this himself). The wax master was then used to produce this cast-metal replica. It is fitted with the same genuine Austrian crystals made by Swarovski as my bronze headpiece. The headpiece is aged by hand with an acrylic wash.
The custom steel fitting is based on a Nazi flag staff finial. The bottom fitting (which slides into a hole in the floor of the Map Room), identical to the brass one used for the bronze headpiece, except it is machined out of steel, can be screwed into the bottom of the staff.
On the reverse side of the headpiece is a Nazi emblem and catalogue number, completing the historic authenticity of this piece.