Although reproduced many times by fans, this classic treasure map contained many hidden features which were always overlooked. I have replicated the main prop shown in the close-up shots, which differs in several way from the back-up prop maps. Printed in full colour from my hand-drawn master, this map is carefully aged using five different methods to match all the nuances of the original prop.

The back of the prop has the musical notes, just one of the many clues which lead the Goonies to One-Eyed Willy's treasure.
This large map measures about 13" x 21" (33cm x 53cm) and is printed on a heavy, textured paper just like the original prop. The aged cord on the right side of the map functions to hold the map shut when wrapped as a scroll. There are also many fold lines on the map, some to make it easier to carry, while others are attempts to find more of the clues hidden within the map itself.
