This reproduction is based on a 1930s style passport with a leatherette burgundy cover with a window for viewing the passport number, professionally stamped with gold foil.
Passports from this era were only valid for two years, with possible extentions. This replica has an issue date of 1934 and continues, with a two-year extension, to 1938, covering the three major Indiana Jones films as well as a few other minor adventures.
All the text in this passport is based on authentic
30's passports. The layout, font type and method of filing in the information is all authentic to the period. Page two even has a red notary sticker that has actually been stamped!

This page shows a stamped replica photograph with Indy's signature written on the side.
In the limitations section, this passport does not permit entry into Honduras (where Indy was rumoured to be a grave robber) and Madagascar (where Indy had a "misunderstanding" with the Sultan).
Each page is custom printed with an historic passport watermark and specially aged to give the passport a genuine vintage appearance.